Our Expertise

Stage 1 - Strategic Advice

Being deeply immersed in the property industry, we are in constant dialogue with landowners, both those looking to sell their land or to develop it. We are always on the look-out for opportunities, and investors and developers often approach us for an overview of what is out there.

Stage 2 - Due Diligence

We work with a client to set out their visions and objectives for a project. This includes recommendations on location, bulk and typology, a construction budget and delivery strategy, along with projected revenue. Based on this research and due-diligence we have a robust discussion with all partners as to the developability of the site.

Stage 3 - Product Development

Using the outcomes from the due diligence phase, we advance the design to a level of detail that allows for a Resource Consent application to be lodged. These plans provide the blueprint for the commencement of the next stage and result in plans for a Development that we are happy to take to market.


Stage 4 - Branding, Marketing & Sales

Taking the vision and plans for the site, we work with our partners to develop a compelling marketing & sales strategy to promote the Development. All sales collateral is developed and marketing plans are implemented to advertise to the target markets, utilising both traditional channels as well as our tailored digital marketing platform. The outcome of this stage is to achieve the sales threshold required to satisfy funders requirements.

Stage 5 - Design & Planning

Cognisant of return on investment, marketing and sales material and Resource Consent, design documentation is advanced to allow for the procurement of a construction contractor.

Stage 6 - Funding

Cooper and Associates can assist the developer to secure Senior Debt Funding that aligns with the business case and cash-flow projections. We will undertake the management of the entire process if so desired; alternatively, we can provide all the necessary information to support a developer-led application for Senior Debt Funding. We will also liaise with and assist the Quantity Surveyor and the Valuer appointed by the Senior Debt Funder.


Stage 7 - Construction

During this stage, we oversee the construction delivery of the project. This involves the review of final design details, overseeing the progress of the builder, monthly meetings with funders and on-going communication with purchasers.

Stage 8 - Settlement & Leasing

The outcome of the final stage is to have all Agreements for Sale & Purchase or Lease settled or leased on time. We work with the selling/leasing agents and Body Corporate Manager to provide a smooth transition between construction completion and occupation.

“Contact us to learn how we could help you.”